Dojokun 道場訓

一つ、吾々は心身を練磨し、確固不抜の心技を極めること Hitotsu, wareware wa shinshin o renmasi, kakkofubatsu no shingi o kiwameru koto

(One, we train body and mind to establish ultimate technique and spirit)


一つ、吾々は武の真髄を極め、気に発し感に敏なること  Hitotsu, wareware wa bu no shinzui o kiwame, ki ni hasshi kan ni binnarukoto

(One, we reach the truth of Martial Arts and generate Ki energy and be sensitive)


一つ、吾々は質実剛健を持って、克己の精神を涵養すること  Hitotsu, wareware wa shitsujitsugoken o motte, kokkinoseishin o kanyosurukoto

(One, we are unaffected and sincere, with fortitude and vigor to become independent) 


一つ、吾々は礼節を重んじ、長上を敬し粗暴の振る舞いを慎むこと Hitotsu, wareware wa reisetsu o omonji, chojo o keishi sobo no furumai o tsutsushimukoto

(One, we observe manners, respect the elderly, and abstain from violent behavior)


一つ、吾々は神仏を尊び、謙譲の美徳を忘れざること  Hitotsu, ware ware wa shinbutsu o totobi, kenjo no bitoku o wasurezarukoto

(One, we remember Super Being, do not forget the virtue of modesty)


一つ、吾々は知性と体力を向上させ、事に望んで過たざること  Hitotsu, wareware wa chisei to tairyoku o kojosase, koto ni nozonde ayamatazarukoto

(One, we improve intelligence and physical strength, by the time facing difficulty, do not make the wrong choice)


一つ、吾々は生涯の修行を空手の道に通じ、極真の道を全うすること Hitotsu, ware ware wa shogai no shugyo o karate no michi ni tsuuji, Kyokushin no michi o mattosurukoto

(One, we attain lifetime training through achieving the way of karate, to complete the way of Kyokushin)