Class Procedure

Opening Ceremony
    Seiretsu (Line Up)
    Seiza     (Sit with Knees)
    Mokuso (Meditate) / Mokuso-yame
    Shomen (Shinzen) ni rei (Bow to Front)
    Osu Sensei ni onegai shimasu (Sensei, please let us start)
    Osu Otagai ni onegai shimasu  (For each other let us start)
    Tatte kudasai (Stand Up)
1) Kihon (including preparatory exercise, front fist, back fist, knife hand, & blocking with Sanchin, horse stance variations, & kicks)
2) Junan (Deep Stretching)
3) Ido     (Moving Kihon)
4) Hokyo (building Physical strength)
5) Mitt Uchi (Target Practice)
6) Renraku  (Combination Building)
7) Fall and Nage-waza (Take-down)
8) Kata and Application, Self-defense
9)Light Sparring
Closing Ceremony
    Mokuso / Mokuso-yame
    Shomen (Shinzen) ni Rei
    Osu Sensei ni arigato gozaimashita
    Osu Otagai ni arigato gozaimashita